Thursday, February 25, 2010

The prime reason for me to start blogging was to actually get back to the casual writing I did for my college mags. After doing my Masters in English Literature - a two years 'penance' in literary theories and criticism, I personally felt my vocab getting too heavy. But it was great dodging with theories and ideologies from the early Victorian era to more comtemporary world literature. After bloating happily amidst the fictionary phase of university life, I felt interested next in Journalistic writing which seemed more practical. This again was another phase of testing my writing skills - getting factual and report sensative! After an year's stint at the Somaiya Institute of Journalism and Mass communications, I joined a Children's magazine dealing with a variety of features. This was yet another phase of my writng potential where I dealt with topics for children. Never thought I would get back to child psychology yet again after studying it as a favoured option at my undergraduate level. Thus from literary notes to journalistic facts to a sneak peak into kiddie talents, I was going places with my 'Art of Writing'! Discovering one's niche (in this case about writing) is vital to one's stability and this is what prompted me to get back to my casual self blogging about what I actually am. My casual writing is an intricate part of my personality which I pledge to henceforth retain.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Breakfasts from around the world
(Art. from Bombay Times, 24th feb. 2010)
It's true that Indians are considered the most eligible tourists across the globe thanks to our zest for travel and our growing spending powers. However, sitting right here in Mumbai, a traveller's delight of local cuisines from various parts of the world can make for an interesting start to the day. All you need to do so is eat an authentic international meal or give it a twist by Indianising it by substituting some ingredients to make for a innovative international breakfast. Read on, this one's bound to tickle your palate.
Let's start with Japan - Land of the Rising sun. Traditional Japanese breakfast is based on rice, seafood and fermented foods, which do not differ substantially from dishes eaten at other meals in Japanese cuisines. An exception is Natto (a type of fermented soybeans), which is most popularly eaten for breakfast. A typical Japanese restaurant breakfast presentation would be Miso soup, rice with Nori or other garnishes, Natto, rice porridge, grilled fish, raw egg and pickled vegetables.
The entire cuisine is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround this beautiful country, and reflects the country's deep maritime roots. Spain's extensive history with many cultural influences has led to an array of unique cuisines with literally thousands of recipes and flavours. These meals are also renowned for their health benefits and fresh ingredients. Contrary to popular belief, Spanish cuisine is actually less spicy in comparison to its North American counterpart, Mexican cuisine. A simple breakfast here includes Churros (warm fritters) with hot chocolate for dipping.
Take a keen notes of the Turkish words, which sound like Hindi words with a twing. A typical Turkish breakfast consists of Cheese (Beyaz Peynir, Kasar, etc.), butter, olives, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, recel (jam or marmalade; a preserve of whole fruits) and honey usually consumed on top of Kaymak. Spicy Turkish sausage (Sucuk), Pastirma, Borek, Simit, Pogaca and even soups can be taken as a morning meal in Turkey. Perhaps more so than traditional breads such as Pide, a French style crusty white loaf which is widely consumed. A common Turkish speciality for breakfast is called Menemen, which is prepared with roasted tomatoes, peppers, olive oil and eggs. Invariably, black tea is served at breakfast. Roadside eateries are a visual delight with its traditional glassware and wooden chairs.
This one's similar to Indian breakfast, naturally due its geographical proximity to India. The Singhalese traditional breakfast usually includes fresh (hot) bread, roti, pittu (rice or maniputti), string hoppers, hoppers, milk, rice, appam, or green gram. These are eaten with curry (meat or vegetable), sambol (coconut, maldive fish or seeni-onion fried with chilli and sugar) or with jaggery and plantains. Sri Lankans also have a traditional soup-like drink called Kanda. A typical everyday breakfast can simply consist of 'brother bread' with butter, and cheese or jam, plantain banana and tea.
In Cambodia , rice congee (babaw) is widely eaten for breakfast. Plain congee is typically eaten with salted eggs, pickled vegetables, or dried fish. Chicken congee, and seafood congee are also commonly eaten. Cambodians also enjoy rice served with sliced pork or chicken with pickled vegetables or a noodle dish (usually a noodle soup called Khtieau).
The typical breakfast of Australians strongly resembles breakfast in many Western countries. Owing to the warm weather in some parts of Australia, breakfast is generally light but in the colder regions porridge or meals similar to the full English breakfast may be consumed. The light breakfast commonly consists of cereals, toast (with a spread) and fruit. A heavier cooked breakfast often includes fried bacon, egg, mushroom, baked beans, sausages, tomatoes, toast with spread. Drinks taken at breakfast include tea, coffee, flavoured milk or juice. A popular breakfast food in Australia is Vegemite, a black, salty spread similar to Marmite, applied to toast or bread.
Swedish cuisine, like that of the other Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Finland), was traditionally simple. Fish (particularly herring), meat and potatoes played prominent roles. Spices were sparse. Famous dishes include Swedish meatballs, traditionally served with gravy, boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam; pancakes, lutfisk, and Smorgasbord, or lavish buffet. Akvavit is a popular alcoholic distilled beverage, and the drinking of snaps is of cultural importance. The traditional flat and dry crisp bread has developed into several contemporary variants. Breakfast many times includes Filmjolk (sour-milk yogurt) with muesli and banana slices.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Harishchandrachi factory (2010)

In the midst of the Sena-MNS Marathi drama, director Paresh Mokashi's Academy nominated film 'Harishchandrachi Factory' was a breather in apt sense.

Based on the making of the first Indian film 'Raja Harishchandra' by the legendary Dadasaheb Phalke referred as the Father of Indian cinema, the film explicitly brings out the passion of the man who pioneered the art of motion pictures in India.

Right from the start, the script gels well with the period of early 20th century India with the portrayal of a maverick man Dadasaheb Phalke jumping from one business to another, finally setting up one of the largest industry of films in the nation with his sole passion of making motion pictures.

The lead actor Nandu Madhav who plays the character of Phalke, aptly brings out the passion of the legend in true sense with his dialogue delivery and performance. He epitomises Dadasaheb Phalke on the screen with his sincere act. The sheer modesty and learning appetite of Dadasaheb was portrayed amazingly with the fine nuances with his commendable act. The immediate Phalke kutumb - his wife Saraswati (Vibhavari Deshpande), his elder son Babarai (Ambarish Deshpannde) and younger son (Mohit Gokhale) has justified the eventful era with equal grace. The rest of the crew consists of numerous Marathi stage actors along with the foreign artists who play their parts with great consistency. The depiction of the age of industrial revolution was displayed in glimpses with the excellent portrayals of the Mumbai trams, tent theatres and various modes of entertainment for young and the adults alike.

All in all, portraying a legend in a mere span of 96 minutes which is actually a tough job is presented like a hilarious and pleasant ride. The climax grasps the audience with sheer pride for the man who enlightened the screen with his photogenic ideology. At the end of the movie, there was just one emotion I felt - to give a standing ovation to the Man who pioneered the Indian film industry and to whom we owe the magic called Cinema decked up with his utter dedication and vision.
It's been a long time I have visited my own blog.... As work and stuff kept me busy with things else than blogging, (not like they are not keeping me busy now) it's time I continue publishing matter on my blog... I wouldn't surely get a hang of it in just a few days, but I would definitely make sure I don't hang up my blog for this long...